Interventions that can improve the retention in care among patients with HIV: A review
Introduction: Despite the transformation in healthcare outcomes with the availability of effective antiretroviral therapy, retention in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) care remains a challenge. Patients with poor retention have higher rates of HIV-related complications and death. Materials and Methods: We conducted a literature search on PubMed, including articles that reported on the adult population in the United States and published between 2002-2022. The keywords used included HIV, retention in care, intervention, support services, missed appointments, barriers to care, text messages, mobile health, telehealth, and telemedicine. Results/Discussion: We found that interventions implementing supportive services such as patient navigators, counseling, HIV education, and providing transportation led to an increase in retention in care. Technological interventions have also improved retention in care and include patient portals, appointment reminders, telehealth, and clinic-based smartphone apps. Lastly, visual, and verbal messages that emphasize the importance of retention in care are easy, low-cost interventions to implement in the HIV clinic. Conclusion: Overall, higher levels of patient retention are needed to secure improved healthcare outcomes in patients with HIV. The diversifying population of people with HIV (PWH) calls for additional research that aims to address unmet patient needs.
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Am j Hosp Med 2022 July;6(3): 2022.
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