Now showing items 570-589 of 1193

    Halal food and beverage trade: do restriction on religion, Halal certification, and OIC membership have any impact? [1]
    Halal food certification, financial performance, and sustainability reporting : comparative study of food and beverage firms in Malaysia and Indonesia [1]
    Health care sector clustering in U.S. regions [1]
    Health claims and labeling regulation : how will consumers learn about functional foods? [1]
    "Health-enhancing" Products in the Italian Food Industry : Multinationals and SMEs Competing on Yogurt [1]
    Health-risk concerns vs. medical benefits of the GM technology [1]
    Heath forest as a source of medicinal plants for the Maanyan Dayak tribe in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia: deforestation and its relationship to medicinal plant biodiversity [1]
    Herbicide resistance : economic and environmental challenges [1]
    Herbicide tolerant soybeans : why growers are adopting Roundup Ready varieties [1]
    Heterogeneous Capital, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Organization [1]
    Hiring and Managing Farm Labor [1]
    Horse flesh and its digestibility [1]
    Horses as Sources of Proprietary Information : Commercialization, Conservation, and Compensation Pursuant to the Convention on Biological Diversity [1]
    How communication impacts network structure and access to community social capital [1]
    How Distorting Policies Can Affect Energy Efficiency and Sustainability : The Case of Biogas Production in the Po Valley (Italy) [1]
    How distributed energy resources and dynamic pricing interact to modify residential electricity loads [1]
    How do Brazil's mandated blending requirement and world crude oil price affect international markets [1]
    How External Political-Economic Forces Affect Firms' Attitudes Toward the Industrial Use of Genetically Modified Organisms : An Analysis in the South Korean Context [1]
    How Low Can You Go? The Consequences of Zero Tolerance [1]
    How Much Can GMO and Non-GMO Cultivars Coexist in a Megadiverse Country? [1]