Now showing items 2553-2572 of 11342

    Differences in pre-service teachers' epistemological beliefs : a cross-sectional study [1]
    Differences in processing of interactive infographics on different screen sizes and interface types [2]
    Differences in seedling vigor among diverse cotton genotypes [1]
    Differences of instructor presence levels in predominately online versus predominately not online courses within the community college setting [1]
    Differential effects of increasing physical activity and reducing energy intake on cardiometabolic and energetic parameters in obesity-prone juvenile rats [1]
    Differential effects of negative and positive affect on context processing [1]
    The differential effects of presentation rate and retention interval on memory for items and associations in younger adults : a simulation of an age-related associative deficit [1]
    Differential gene and protein expression in pig nuclear transfer extraembryonic membranes and blastocyst stage embryos [1]
    Differential observing responses: a systematic review [2]
    Differential reinforcement of low rates : a systematic review [1]
    Differential roles for hedgehog signaling in motor neuron development [1]
    Differentiating a chunk from a group : the role of verbal rehearsal in creating a hierarchical list structure [1]
    Differentiating anxiety and depression : a socioaffective tripartite model [1]
    Differentiating psychosis risk and mania risk scales and their associations with spontaneous eye blink rate [1]
    Differentiating reading intervention to support levels of comprehension with students with intellectual disabilities [1]
    Differing approaches to teacher preparation : using a mixed methods design to understand perceptions of efficacy and confidence in relation to preparedness to student teach based on clinical and traditional teaching pathways [1]
    DiffServ overlay multicast for videoconferencing [1]
    A diffusion model analysis of transitivity and lexicographic semiorder [1]
    Diffusion of viral marketing into the world of public relations [1]
    Diffusion through porus media in transition region [1]