Now showing items 6611-6630 of 11343

    Meta-analysis of single-subject research using hierarchical linear modeling : empirical examination of the procedure and functional behavior assessment-based interventions [1]
    A meta-analytic review of the relation between impulsivity-related traits and family history of alcoholism [1]
    Metabolic alterations in reactive astrocytes and their roles in ischemic stroke [1]
    Metabolic and autonomic nervous system effects of bariatric surgery [1]
    Metabolic and functional consequences of adenylate kinase deficiency in skeletal muscle [1]
    Metabolic programming of a Warburg effect-like phenotype in donor fibroblasts prior to somatic cell nuclear transfer [1]
    Metabolic responses of meniscal tissue to collagenase stimulation [1]
    Metabolic responses to a high fat diet in skeletal muscle of rats bred for high or low endurance running capacities [1]
    Metabolic responses to a westernized diet administered to rats selectively bred for high and low amounts of voluntary exercise [1]
    Metabolic status of late gestation beef cows and neonatal calves [1]
    Metabolically activated heterocyclic N-oxide compounds for killing and visualizing hypoxic cancer cells [1]
    The metabolism and localization of glycerol by bovine spermatozoa [1]
    Metadrama in the chorus : the first choral ode of Seneca's Oedipus / [1]
    Metallic nanotoxicity to bacteria and bacteriophages [1]
    Metamorphism of the Wales Group and Moira Group on Prince of Wales and Dall Islands, southeastern Alaska [1]
    Metamorphosis [1]
    Metaphor as a communication strategy for reducing health disparities for Latina women [1]
    Metaphors and weapons of war : a conceptual metaphor analysis of police use of war metaphors and militarized equipment [1]
    The metaphysics of content : towards a minimalist account of propositions [1]
    Metasurface based uncooled Sixgeyo1-x-y microbolometer for infrared detection [1]