Now showing items 1-20 of 234

    1,5-hydride shift of alkenyl sulfoximine/[4+3] cycloaddition and ring opening/novel hydrazine synthesis from Tröger's base analogues [1]
    Abiding in the fields : pastoral care and society in late antiquity and Anglo-Saxon England [1]
    Advanced delivery techniques for static and moving targets [1]
    The American alien: immigrants, expatriates and extraterrestrials in twentieth-century U.S. fiction [1]
    The American musical stage as a site of utopian possibilities : subversive representations of race and gender in Violet and Caroline, or change [1]
    Analyzing the correlation between data usage and student performance on the Missouri Assessment Program [1]
    "And that's what I think being an American girl is all about!" : girls' reflections on American Girl and contemporary American girlhood [1]
    Apigenin : chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic potential for progestin-dependent breast cancer [1]
    Assessing assessment : how use of the concept of inventory of natural selection influences the instructional practices of an experienced biology professor and supplemental instruction leader [1]
    At-risk students' academic performance indicators and extracurricular participation [1]
    Bayesian analysis of spatial and survival models with applications of computation techniques [1]
    Bayesian fMRI data analysis and Bayesian optimal design [1]
    Bayesian methods on selected topics [1]
    Beyond political differences : the influence of exposure to disagreements and the mediating role of emotional responses on selective exposure [1]
    Bioreductive metabolism of small molecule nitroaromatics and N-oxides in hypoxia [2]
    Care practices in complementary and alternative medicine in Thai breast cancer survivors [1]
    A case study of a bio-science network : the Kansas City animal health and nutrition corridor [1]
    Case study of normal and high glucose laden cell response to cellular phone radiation using GTEM cell [1]
    A case study of the analysis of factors that occur with reading proficiency in one rural district in southeast Missouri [1]
    A case study of the essential supports which make up the framework of a turnaround school [1]