Now showing items 431-450 of 3764

    Calming The Waves Double Wind Orchestra [1]
    Camille Claudel: The Struggle for Artistic Idenity [1]
    Campus copyright support from a university library [1]
    "Can I get a second opinion?" How user characteristics impact trust in automation in a medical screening task [1]
    Can Morphemic Analysis Impact Vocabulary Instruction? [1]
    Can We Be Trained to Eat Healthy? The Effects of an Attentional Bias Modification Program on Eating Behavior [1]
    Candidate Diploid Yeast Mutants in Solid Media [1]
    The Canzonettas and Leider of Franz Joseph Haydn [1]
    Capitalism, ecological destruction and mainstream environmental economic theory: a radical critique [1]
    Capstone Project [2]
    Capturing the strategic pivot: Identifying the performance outcomes of new venture pivots [1]
    The Cardiac Self-Blame Attributions Scale as a Predictor of Physical and Mental Health Outcomes in Underrepresented Patients with Cardiovascular Disease [1]
    Cardiac thromboxane A2 receptor activation does not directly induce cardiomyocyte hypertrophy but does cause cell death that is prevented with gentamicin and 2-APB [1]
    Caregiver Level Predictors of Self-Regulation in Preschool-Aged Children [1]
    Caricature as the record of medical history in eighteenth-century London [1]
    Carmen [1]
    Carrying their second backpack: understanding the lived experiences of teachers working with trauma-affected students during the Covid-19 pandemic [1]
    Case series: Pertussis in a rural community [1]
    A Case Study of Increased Musical Vocalization in a Blind Nonverbal Child [1]
    A Case Study of the Internationalization of a Midwestern University English Composition Course Occurring in a 3-D Virtual Environment [1]