Now showing items 112-131 of 147

    Regional patterns of presettlement forests in the Boston mountains of northwest Arkansas [1]
    Relation of Missouri river flows to sandbar morphology with implications for selected biota [1]
    Response of natural and artificial pin oak reproduction to mid- and understory removal in a bottomland hardwood forest [1]
    Rhenium complexes with O, N, S ligands [1]
    The rise and fall of fad diets: how the news media frame and represent the Atkins diet, 1972-2005 [1]
    River restoration in the upper Mississippi River Basin [1]
    The role of TV Globo Internacional for Brazilian immigrants in south Florida and Toronto [1]
    Selection and socialization effects of Greek affiliation on heavy drinking across the transition to college and into the college years: the effects of personality traits and drinking norms [1]
    Simultaneous quantitation of Escherichia coli O157:H7, salmonella and shigella in ground beef by multiplex real-time PCR and immunomagnetic separation [1]
    A single-sided access simultaneous solution of acoustic wave speed and sample thickness for isotropic materials of plate-type geometry [1]
    Soil surface-seal measurement using high-resolution x-ray computed tomography (HRCT) [1]
    Sorption and leaching characteristics of heavy metals in artificial soil [1]
    The sounds of red and blue America: dissecting musical references to "red state" and "blue state" identity in print media during the 2004 presidental campaign [1]
    Souvenirs of America: American gift books, 1825-1840 [1]
    Structure of an antigen-binding fragment bound to stem-loop DNA and crystallization of recombinant haemophilus influenzae e(P4) acid phosphatase [1]
    A study of individual internet dependency as an extension of social support [1]
    A subject so shocking: the female sex offender in Richardson's Clarissa [1]
    The sublethal effects of ecdysone agonists on the attractiveness, responsiveness, fertility and fecundity of oriental fruit moth, a comparative examination with codling moth on larval feeding damage [1]
    Survival of freeze-dried probiotics in soy protein powder [1]
    Sylview: a visualization system for forest management [1]