Now showing items 744-763 of 787

    The validity and craft of write-around celebrity magazine profiles [1]
    The value of banner advertising on the web [1]
    Value-framing of issues in the 2004 presidential campaign by American newspapers in Russian [1]
    Views separated by time and terrain : the feminine perspective in the travel writings of Isabella Bird and Kira Salak [1]
    Viral video advertisements : uses and gratifications research [1]
    The virtual social capital of online communities : media use and motivations as predictors of online and offline engagement via six measures of community strength [1]
    Visibility of health news outlet attributions on facebook : outcomes for credibility perceptions and recall [1]
    Visual depictions of gender in parenting magazines [1]
    Visualizing COVID-19 with data: the effects of individual differences on perception of data in news [1]
    Voracious villains or hungry heroes? : depictions of food critics in popular media [1]
    The Watts riots : a contemporary study of the news coverage of the riots [1]
    Web analytics, social media, and the journalistic doxa : the impact of audience feedback on the evolving gatekeeping process [1]
    Webs of intimacy and influence : unraveling writing culture at Harper's magazine during the Willie Morris years (1967-1971) [1]
    What are Utah farmers' market shoppers willing to do to protect local agriculture? [1]
    What changes in media risk frames reveal about changing attitudes toward modern life: the case of the Greek Press, 1977-2004 [1]
    What increases ad recgonition [sic]?: a content analysis to look at the impact of headlines, graphics and category on print advertising in an agricultural publication [1]
    What's new? : a different way to describe innovators [1]
    What's the quality of breast cancer information you read online?: a comparative analysis of breast cancer information quality in commercial vs. nonprofit websites [1]
    What, you care? : the effective use of aversive evoking content in viral videos for advocacy group advertising [1]
    When fiction meets fact : literary journalism in National Magazine Award features [1]