Now showing items 10-29 of 43

    Epsilon multiplicity for graded algebras [1]
    Food 'four' thought : examining sigma-1 receptor antagonist PD144418 on food reinforced behaviors [1]
    Frames with desired angle properties [1]
    Frobenius closure and prime characteristic singularities [1]
    "I can speak for myself." : #whitewednesdays, Iranian feminism, and hijab in media discourse [1]
    Impact level of entry on completion rates and GPA of technical education students at a Midwest community college [1]
    Initial evaluation of a mental health literacy intervention : mental health care in schools [1]
    Interpretable spectrum machine learning methods for materials identification and heat transfer tubes failure detection [1]
    Investigating increased shear stress and physical activity as strategies to improve vascular insulin sensitivity [1]
    Investigating variables which predict the presence and severity of aggression and self-injurious behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder [1]
    An investigation of the perception of factors associated with daily living activities of comprehensive psychiatric rehabilitation consumers [1]
    Investment in couple relationship education as a key in the process of change : received dosage, active application, and motivation for attending [1]
    Material property prediction and structural inverse design with modern deep learning techniques [1]
    Mathematical and computational modeling of fluid flow with applications in ophthalmology and geoscience [1]
    Mechanical metamaterials application in wave mitigation and structure protection [1]
    Merging technology development of trapped ion mobility spectrometry quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry with biological investigation of Medicago truncatularoot exudates [1]
    Novel techniques for cold/ultracold molecular collisions [1]
    Organic-inorganic hybrid materials for arsenic adsorption : surface complexation and intraparticle diffusion [1]
    Overcoming the negative effects of astroturfing attacks on crisis outcomes with strategic communication strategies [1]
    Physical activity and social comparison : effects of a group-based Fitbit intervention [1]