Now showing items 4514-4533 of 5192

    A study in seventh grade subject-matter [1]
    A study in the marketing of perishable fruit [1]
    A study of ADA public rights-of-way accessibility guideline impacts [1]
    Study of Americans with Disabilities Act public rights-of-way accessibility guideline impacts [1]
    Study of anti-cancer effect of winter worm and summer grass on Mcf-7 human breast cancer cells [1]
    Study of antimicrobial activity and mechanism of zinc oxide nanoparticles against foodborne pathogens [1]
    A study of bacterial ribosome 70S complex using smFRET analysis [1]
    Study of battery storage to delay infrastructure upgrade in the electrical grid [1]
    A study of bloodlines which have produced 2:10 trotters [1]
    A study of cancer metaphors : how metaphors vary in four newspapers of varying audience literacy [1]
    A study of collective entrepreneurship using agent-based modeling [1]
    A study of conformation and the correlation of parts in ears of maize [1]
    A study of consumer behavior of digital media : users' preference related to media format [1]
    Study of damping effects on double negative acoustic metamaterials [1]
    Study of difficult churning [1]
    Study of drag reduction in microstructured channel with patterned cavities and wettability control [1]
    A study of effectiveness of simulated data in classifying Alzheimer's disease status using MRS parameters [1]
    A study of emergency management policy regarding the use of tornado sirens during severe weather in the state of Missouri [1]
    Study of energy efficiency comparison between smooth V-belt and cogged V-belt for power transmission [1]
    A study of engineered nanoparticles as potential food contaminants and their toxicity on Caco-2 cells [1]