Now showing items 2152-2171 of 11342

    The demonstration of glucose-6-phosphate phosphatase activity in the intestinal mucosa of the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana (Shaw) [1]
    Demystifying the private sector : the use of publicly accessible records to report on private equity firms [1]
    Dendritic cells contribute to perivascular adipose tissue dysfunction in type 2 diabetes [1]
    Dendritic cells, IL-12Rbeta2, and IL-13Ralpha1 signaling: the battle for control of neonatal immunity [1]
    Dendroecology of forests in Missouri : disturbance and integration over multiple centuries [1]
    Densities of spherical molecules and their mixtures [1]
    Dental composites reinforced with zinc oxide nanofillers [1]
    Department head leadership and the use of faculty credit hours as a measure of faculty workload [1]
    The depiction of smell in fifteenth-century Netherlandish painting as cultural sense memory and odor-cued prayer context [1]
    Deployment pipeline development at scale: automating software as a service [1]
    Deposition and characterization of high permittivity thin-film dielectrics [1]
    Deposition of aerosols in cylindrical tubes and in human lung airways [1]
    Depth sensor based object detection using surface curvature [1]
    Deregulation of the notch signaling pathway N B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia [1]
    Derivation and validation of alcohol phenotypes in a college population : a motivational/developmental approach [1]
    Deriving information from spatial sampling floor-based personnel detection system [1]
    A descriptive analysis of fees at four-year public universities : differentiating between tuition and fees [1]
    A descriptive analysis of teachers' use of evidence-based practices across ethnicity, gender, and disability risk / [1]
    A descriptive study of interpersonal conflict in high school athletic training [1]
    A descriptive study of local grow your own principal internship programs in three different size and types of schools in Missouri [1]