Now showing items 5927-5946 of 11342

    Iron homeostasis is hierarchically regulated by multiple inputs : evidence for the role of reactive oxygen species and iron-zinc cross talk [1]
    Iron oxide-graphene oxide nanocompositions as adsorbents [1]
    Iron, wine, and a woman named Lucy : landscapes of memory in St. James, Missouri [1]
    Iron-platinum nanoparticles as multifunctional vehicles in imaging and drug delivery [1]
    Irrational behavior of algebraic discrete valuations [1]
    Irresistible force : the impact of state task forces on legislative outputs [1]
    Irrigation practices and costs in southeastern Missouri - 1959 [1]
    Is 2d:4d a stable trait during child development? [1]
    Is accuracy in fertility detection mediated by differences in the mate value of the rater and target? [1]
    Is breastfeeding related to maternal warmth and acceptance among Saudi mothers? [1]
    Is maturing out of problematic alcohol involvement related to personality change? [1]
    Is seeing believing? : The effects of document cloud links on perceptions of credibility of news articles [1]
    Is the grass really greener? A qualitative study of teacher reflections on their decision to migrate from small rural districts to larger school districts [1]
    Is the Guru a feminist? : charismatic female leaders and gender roles in India [1]
    Is there journalism without democracy? normative role conceptions and practices of journalists in an autocratic regime [1]
    The island belonged to them : slave provisioning and empire in the British West Indies, 1679-1833 [1]
    "An island of nymphs" : Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Victorian women's classical education [1]
    The isolation of Western society from the revelations of nature [1]
    Isolation, characterization, and diagnosis of murine noroviruses, a newly recognized pathogen of mice [1]
    Isotope harvesting from the beam dump cooling loop at the facility for rare isotope beams (FRIB) [1]