Now showing items 6835-6854 of 11342

    Modeling, simulation, and stability of a hydraulic load-sensing pump system with investigation of a hard nonlinearity in the pump displacement control system [1]
    Modeling, verification, optimal design of nonlinear valve spring [1]
    Modelling and analysis of energy metabolism in postmortem muscle [1]
    Models and algorithms for complex system optimization problems : applications to hospital layout and LED traffic signal maintenance [1]
    Models of gestational diabetes and offspring outcomes in mice [1]
    Models of neuronal subcircuits in the crustacean cardiac ganglion and the mammalian perirhinal cortex [1]
    The moderating role of behavioral self-regulation in relations between neighborhood connection and adolescents' positive adjustment [1]
    The moderating role of maternal supervision in the social ecology of children's unintentional injuries [1]
    The moderating role of social support on the relationship of maternal stress and infants birth weight of pregnant smokers : a secondary data analysis [1]
    Moderators of a brief gambling intervention [1]
    Moderators' modus operandi : a rhetorical, qualitative analysis of the 2016 presidential debate moderators [1]
    The modern Chinese press on Taiwan [1]
    Modern control design for a variable displacement hydraulic pump [1]
    Modes of reflexivity in community supported agriculture : the case of the people's republic of delicious foods [1]
    Modification of fatty acid composition in soybean seeds to improve soybean oil quality and functionality [1]
    Modification of host and bacterial proteomes during host-pathogen interactions [1]
    Modification of materials for high oxidation resistance [1]
    Modification of nano and micro-phase diamond powder for enhancement of hydrogen storage [1]
    Modification of polyamide thin film composite reverse osmosis membrane for water desalination [1]
    Modification of porcine rhodopsin by CRISPR/Cas9 : towards a model for Retinitis Pigmentosa [1]