Now showing items 384-403 of 3007

    Columbia terminal railroad (COLT) feasibility analysis [1]
    Columns [5]
    A combined analytical and experimental approach for prediction of properties of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) parts [1]
    Combined dilatometry and mass spectrometry of sintering and evolved gases of barium titanate and zirconium diboride with sintering additives [1]
    Combining activities of daily living and scene understanding for continuous assessment of behavior patterns using depth data [1]
    Combining shamir and additive secret sharing to improve efficiency of SMC primitives against malicious adversaries [1]
    Compact oscillating heat pipe and development of fuzzy copper or wicking structures [1]
    Compact power conditioning and RF systems for a high power RF source [1]
    A compact representation for 3D animation using octrees and affine transformation [1]
    Compacted concrete pavement [1]
    Compacting solid waste materials generated in Missouri to form new products: final technical report [1]
    Comparative machine learning approach for biomarker identification using multiomics data from patients with endometriosis [1]
    A comparative numerical study on the failure evolution at different simulation scales [1]
    Comparative studies of fission fragment and electron beam driven solid-state lasers and reactor-laser system modeling [1]
    A comparative study between solid, porous, and equivalent homogenous truss structures with embedded metamaterials [1]
    Comparative study of ballistic transport in Si and GaAs using non equilibrium Green's function formalism [1]
    Comparative study of brain waves classification using fast fourier transform and feed forward neural network [1]
    A comparative study of rapid prototyping systems [1]
    Comparative study of type 2 median crossovers and median u-turns [1]
    Comparing pointing performance of mouse and eye-gaze input system [1]