Now showing items 5499-5518 of 11342

    The influence of breast cancer-related lymphedema on women's return-to-work [1]
    The influence of breeding young swine upon the parents, the offspring and the breed [1]
    The influence of carbon dioxide and other chemicals on vegetative and reproductive activity of plants [1]
    The influence of Carlyle on the social ideas of Ruskin in the period from 1860 to 1884 [1]
    Influence of Catullus on Latin poetry of the Augustan age [1]
    Influence of characters of ear and kernel upon the germination of maize [1]
    The influence of client importance and country-level institutions on auditor behavior [1]
    The influence of climate and population structure on East Asian skeletal morphological variation [1]
    The influence of coaches' personal factors on the impact of coach education [1]
    Influence of conditioned compensatory response on drinking and driving decision making [1]
    Influence of cover crop and tillage management practices on soil physical and hydraulic properties [1]
    The influence of developing a web-based course on university professor classroom instructional techniques as measured by the MTQ [1]
    Influence of diet, production traits, blood hormones and metabolites, and mitochondrial complex protein concentrations on residual feed intake in beef cattle [1]
    The influence of direct instruction on asynchronous educational discussions [1]
    The influence of early childhood education teacher's beliefs on curriculum implementation and classroom practice [1]
    Influence of economic restructuring on rural Missouri high school dropout rates [1]
    Influence of entomopathogenic fungi from forest and urban habitats on founding pairs of reticulitermes flavipes (rhinotermitidae) [1]
    The influence of fusarium species on sweet potato plant performance, root yield and quality [1]
    The influence of Fyodor Dostoevsky on E.M. Forster and Virginia Woolf [1]
    Influence of gamma irradiation on chemical vapor deposited boron-doped diamond films [1]