Now showing items 45-64 of 337

    Calculating information leakage using model checking tools [1]
    Capturing and managing daily symptoms data in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder using mobile technology [1]
    Characterizing low-dimensional phenotypes by clustering [1]
    ClaimChain: secure Blockchain platform for handling insurance claims processing [1]
    Classification of twitter trends using feature ranking and forward feature selection [1]
    Clinical content tracking system: an efficient request tracking via a graphical user interface [1]
    Combining shamir and additive secret sharing to improve efficiency of SMC primitives against malicious adversaries [1]
    A compact representation for 3D animation using octrees and affine transformation [1]
    Comparing TCP-IPv4TCP-IPv6 network performance [1]
    Complexity reduction and visualization tool for RDF knowledge network application in precision medicine [1]
    A comprehensive web-based platform for multi-omics data-driven phenotype prediction and marker discovery [1]
    Computational algorithms for predictive health assessments [1]
    Computational analysis of tongue image for health diagnosis [1]
    Computational methods for bacterial characterization and bacteria-host/environment interaction analyses [1]
    Computational methods for protein structure prediction and next-generation sequencing data analysis [1]
    Computational optimization algorithms for protein structure refinement [1]
    Computational protein structure prediction using deep learning [1]
    Computer vision for plant and animal inventory [1]
    Computer-aided tongue image diagnosis and analysis [1]
    Confocal microscopy imaging analysis of plant morphodynamics [1]