Now showing items 86-105 of 238

    Fluctuating asymmetry as a measure of developmental instability in Arikara bioarchaeological assemblages [1]
    Fording the Severn : the influence of intermarriage and judicial participation on Welsh identity and self-identification in Shropshire and the Central March of Wales in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries [1]
    Forest adaptation and transition in the eastern united states under climate change : a forest landscape modeling method [1]
    Forging a national diet : beef and the political economy of plenty in postwar America [1]
    Frames and subspaces [1]
    Functional recovery of the microcirculation during skeletal muscle regeneration [1]
    Galaxy evolution as seen by Herschel [1]
    Genealogies of affect among a young veterinarian's public letter : an exploratory study of hidden curricula in a college of veterinary medicine [1]
    Generalized Littlewood-Richardson coefficients for branching rules of GL(n) and extremal weight crystals [1]
    Generating sequences and semigroups of valuations on 2 dimensional normal local rings [1]
    Genetic architecture and marker-assisted breeding for salt tolerance in soybean [1]
    Genetic diversity and distribution of the ringed salamander (ambystoma annulatum) across multiple spatial scales [1]
    Genetics in practice : applications of quantitative genetics to environment and educational pursuits [1]
    A glimpse of African identity through the lens of Togolese literature [1]
    Green solvent-enabled biomass conversion for renewable chemicals and lignin upgrading [1]
    Harmonizing with the cosmos : a critical analysis of cosmic symbolism in musical theatre [1]
    Harnessing policy windows : using lessons from the post 9 11 GI Bill passage to garner congressional support for US military requirements [1]
    Heterogeneity in body condition, survival, and seasonal origins among lesser snow and Ross's geese [1]
    Homology sequence analysis using GPU acceleration [1]
    Identity-motivated elaboration : the role of partisan social identities and elaboration in political persuasion and learning [1]